Sunday, March 14, 2010


For many years now, I have silently chosen heroes I've come across. Sometimes it's been strangers who I've seen do something sweet and endearing which reminds me of how good humans can really be, and sometimes it's just some personal actions which inspire me. The stories vary--a couple of weeks ago I spoke to a man and his daughter on the subway who had these two adorable dogs with them. The dogs were previously abused and saved by this father-daughter team. It warmed my heart.

This week, my hero is a woman who has faced numerous adversities in her life, and she continues to rise above it all. She uses the obstacles as motivators, and this time is no different. Lynn Manwar has psoriatic arthritis, which makes some days extremely difficult for her. She has decided to do something extraordinary for her cause. She is going to climb Mount Everest in October of this year. This is an incredible feat for anyone, let alone a woman who has days which sometimes make it difficult to walk. Many of us take advantage of our ability to walk a few blocks to the store or to the bus stop. For this reason, I'm posting the link to her website on my blog in hopes of helping her achieve her goal. If you read her story and are inspired, then let her know. If nothing else, I hope that this at least reminds us to be grateful for the simplest things in life we take for granted.

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