In a world that seems to slowly be growing more and more impersonal with the onslaught of techy devices and the like, I'd like to share a few of my favourite human-kind experiences over the last little while:
1) About 2 months ago, I was on my way home from the Total Health Show in downtown Toronto. I had a great time with a friend, and while on the subway home, I missed my stop because we were chatting and laughing away. I hopped off and crossed the platform to go only one stop in the opposite direction. Of course, that was long enough to forget my purse on the subway. I panicked! Aside from my wallet and other personal effects, I had just picked up keys to the new office space I started renting for my nutritional consulting, and I hadn't even used the office yet! After 2 stressful hours of waiting for calls from dispatchers to see if my purse was turned in, I received a call from one Dan O'Brady. He had gotten on the subway where I got off, and he had my purse! He took the subway to the end of the line for his night shift at the opposite end of the city. The amazing thing is, I only had business cards in my wallet (with my contact info!) because I had taken them to leave at my new office space. I normally wouldn't have had them on me (now I carry them ALWAYS!). He sounded like an angel, and eventually I drove out to meet him and pick up my purse. I hugged him and thanked him and wished him all the luck in the world, and he wouldn't accept the cash I had in my wallet (it was only $20, but that's so not the point!).
2) There's a Starbucks close to my work with a staff of angels. Over the years, there have been a few people who have entered and just needed a place to hang out, either to get away from the cold or to try and placate the voices in their heads and turmoil in their hearts. On numerous occasions, I've seen the staff there treat these individuals with the same sweetness, soft voices, and smiles that they use with paying customers. Most recently, one such homeless man entered, and one of the staff just got an order ready for him without waiting for him to ask. She just prepared a water and coffee for him and placed it on the side counter. My heart leapt a little at the kindness. It's just a simple reminder that even the smallest of gestures carry an impactful amount of grace and class.
3) We live on a street that has an abundance of animal lovers. On any given day, there are dog walkers and people just giving love to stray cats. One such neighbourhood animal lover recently lost his jack russell (Lily) to a hit and run. As unbelievably sad as that is, the next day they were on-line looking for an animal in need to help fill the void of the loss. They found a young jack russell who had been abused and left for dead in a dumpster. Half of her mouth and nose were torn off, and the poor little girl's eye was ripped and infected. They didn't even hesitate to contact the shelter where this soul was kept, and they adopted her within days. We had the pleasure of meeting her (Maggie) while being walked by her new pet parent a few days ago. Even though the right side of her mouth was missing and half of her nose was gone, she looked like a bundle of joy. Her eye had completely healed, and she looked as though she was smiling. She didn't bolt immediately after meeting our Riley (55 pounds of basset love!), even though she weighed less than Riley's head alone!
Thinking about the kindness in the hearts and souls of every individual brings tears to my eyes (yes, I am a sap regardless, but these moments warrant sappiness, don't you think?). I'm not naive, as many people think. I know there are horrible things that happen. But the moments that truly lift us up are the ones that connect us as humankind, and these moments are never in shortage if our eyes and hearts are open.